Title: Regret, A Family Lost Characters/pairing: Percy Weasley. Weasley Family Rating: G Warnings: Death of a whole family? Summary: Percy grieves the death of his family as he doesn't know they are watching him.
I joined a discord server "Wizarding Creators Den" that's run by sugareey a while ago and have been having fun in there. It's a cool community and not SUPER SUPER active that you get lost but just a handful of people who love to talk and support each other. There's a art challenge in the server called "Potter Week Prompts" that's listed old prompts and
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Title: (Still) The Professor Author/Artist: digthewriter Pairing: GEN: Snape, Albus Rating: G Warnings: AU/EWE --> Because I don't care and Harry and Draco are together, OK? Created for: February post for my Snape/??? challenge with THIS PROMPT by capitu Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is
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